The Cornish Celtic Way  Day one: Who do we want to be?

Starting out  
Up into the hills  
In light morning rain.  

An old drove road
Makes an open meeting place.
Out of the misty rain
Comes a gardener
Who has gifted seeds 
To enhance route ahead.
At the start of the walk
The senses awake, 
Awareness is alerted  
Emotions stirred,
Inspired and disconcerted,
Yet reassured
By the sight of a butterfly spreading its wings,
A gentle reminder
That authenticity is delicate,
A silent call
To take nothing for granted
And ease forward
Dropping down into a simpler place
At the meeting of land, sea and sky
A place to leave what’s not needed behind
And crunch pebbles into sand.
The first stopping point.  
A moment to reflect, 
Gather thoughts
and replenish resources.
Workers clear the way 
Through fields of hip high hay
Under low clouds
The sky and the sea sweep away
Out of sight.

Moving between roads and paths
Birds nest in a letter box
Environments shifts and change. 

Poems shared on the path
A gift shared

Suddenly I’m out of my natural habitat.
It’s as if a plug has been pulled as 
I’m dragged down steep streets and 
Into a crowded vortex of shops.
This fish out of water
Struggles against the flow – 
An overweight salmon
On a rising tide.
Forget-me-nots peak through rough grass
In a holy place
That the heavens still touch 
And lead the gaze 
Out to the islands 
And beyond.

It’s not just our feet
That walk in development.
Our senses are exposed –
Head and heart work hard too

The way ahead maybe obscured
In clouds of doubt 
But later the pathway opens up
And the sun shines on the sea. 

A church stands firm 
in an exposed land
offering shelter
From adversity
And an invitation 
To look beyond, 
Dig a bit deeper 
And discover
What we hold dear. 

I step into a familiar world
Where dark monkish wood reaches back
To cloistered folk who’ve long since passed.
Corridors burrow into the quiet
Echoing silence, respect and calm
Spaces where the unspoken thrives, 
Past and future merge in the moment
Walking through memory
Yet always onward
Each moment precious
Yet always passing.
sunlight over a single tree and its reflection in water

Start again

We come to connect. To make another start. Every day is a new beginning, it’s own starting point…

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A walk in uncertainty

A walk in development is a walk in uncertainty, a journey into the unknown. Sometimes we’ll walk for hours, on hard and stony paths. Then suddenly there’s a moment, when we see the world as if for the first time and just as its always been. These are the moments we choose to guide us, to keep us on the path of development…

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